Journal Publications
Au, D.; Mohona, S.S.; Wilcox, L.M.; Allison, R.S. (2024). Subjective assessment of visual fidelity: Comparison of forced-choice methods. Journal of the Society for Information Display 32(10). [PDF]
Patel, K.Y.; Wilcox, L.M.; Maloney, L.T.; Ehinger, K.A.; Patel, J.Y.; Wiedenmann, E.; Murray, R.F. (2024). Lightness constancy in reality, in virtual reality, and on flat-panel displays. Behavioral Research [PDF]
Lee, A.R., Wilcox, L.M., Allison R.S. (2023). Perceiving depth and motion in depth from successive occlusion. Journal of Vision 23(12) [PDF]
Rzepka, A.M.; Hussey, K.J.; Maltz, M.V.; Babin, K.; Wilcox, L.M.; Culham, J.C. (2023). Familiar Size Affects Perception Differently in Virtual Reality and the Real World. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378(1869) [PDF]
Ahsan, T.; Bolton, K.; Wilcox, L.M.; Freud, E. (2022). Perceived depth modulates perceptual resolution. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 29(2), 455-466 [PDF]
Hartle, B.; Sudhama-Joseph, A.; Irving, E.L.; Allison, R.S.; Glaholt, M.G.; Wilcox, L.M. (2022). Shape judgments in natural scenes: Convexity biases versus stereopsis. Journal of Vision 22(8) [PDF]
Hartle, B.; Wilcox, L.M. (2022). Stereoscopic depth constancy for physical objects and their virtual counterparts. Journal of Vision 22(4) [PDF]
Tong, J.; Wilcox, L.M.; Allison, R.S. (2022). The impacts of lens and stereo camera separation on perceived slant in Virtual Reality head-mounted displays. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28(11), 3759-3766 [PDF]
Allison, R.S.; Fujii, Y.; Wilcox, L.M. (2022). Effects of Motion Picture Frame Rate on Material and Texture Appearance. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 67(2), 360-371 [PDF]
Hartle, B.; Sudhama-Joseph, A.; Irving, E.L.; Allison, R.S.; Glaholt, M.G.; Wilcox, L.M. (2022). Shape judgments in natural scenes: Convexity biases versus stereopsis. Journal of Vision 22(8) [PDF]
Hartle B, Wilcox LM (2022). Stereoscopic depth constancy for physical objects and their virtual counterparts. Journal of Vision 22(4):9 [PDF]
Mohona SS, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2021). Subjective assessment of display stream compression for stereoscopic imagery. Journal of the Society for Information Display. 29(8), 591-607 [PDF]
Hartle B, Wilcox LM (2021). Cue vetoing in depth estimation: Physical and virtual stimuli. Vision Research 188, 51-64. [PDF]
Meier K, Lundell DL, Seemiller ES, Giaschi D, Wilcox LM, Candy R. (2021) The relationship between reflex eye realignment and the percept of single vision in young children. Scientific Reports, 11. [PDF]
Meier K, Sell D, Seemiller E, Giaschi D, Wilcox LM, Candy R (2021). Reflexive vergence responses to absolute disparity stimuli in 3-and 5-year old children. In press. Scientific Reports
Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2021) Stereoscopic depth constancy from a different direction. Vision Research, 178, 70-78. [PDF]
Goutcher R, Wilcox LM (2021) Surface Slant Impairs Disparity Discontinuity Discrimination. Vision Research, 180, 37-51. [PDF]
Allison RS, Fujii Y, Wilcox LM (2020) Effects of Motion Picture Frame Rate on Material and Texture Appearance. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 1 - 12. [PDF]
Tong J, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2019). The Impact of Radial Distortions in VR Headsets on Perceived Surface Slant. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. [PDF]
Hartle B, Sudhama A, Deas LM, Allison RS, Irving EL, Glaholt MG, Wilcox LM (2019). Contributions of stereopsis and aviation experience to simulated rotary wing altitude estimation. Human Factors, 1–13. [PDF]
Fujii Y, Onoise GK, Au D, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2019) Effects of frame rate on vection and postural sway. Displays, 58 (33-43). [PDF]
Cutone MD, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2019). The impact of retinal motion on stereoacuity for physical targets. Vision Research, 161, 43–51. [PDF]
Allison RS, Smith C, Wilkinson F, Wilcox LM (2019) Monovision: Consequences for depth perception from large disparities. Experimental Eye Research (special issue), 183, 62-67. [PDF]
Allison RS, Brunnström K, Chandler DM, Colett HR, Corriveau PJ, Daly S, Goel J, Long JY, Wilcox LM, Yaacob YM, Yang S, Zhang Y (2018). Perspectives on the definition of visually lossless quality for mobile and large format displays. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 27(5):053035. [PDF]
Hartle B, Wilcox LM and Murray RF (2018). Optimal combination of illusory and luminance-defined 3D surfaces: A role for ambiguity. Journal of Vision, 18(4):14, 1-15. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Hartle B, Mackenzie KJ, Solski A, Giaschi D. (2017). Disparity configuration influences depth discrimination in naïve adults, but not in children. Vision Research, 131, 106-119. [PDF]
Allison RS, Wilcox LM, Anthony RC, Helliker J, Dunk B (2017). Expert viewer’ preferences for higher frame rate 3D film. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 60, 1-9. [PDF]
Goutcher R, Wilcox LM (2016). Representation and measurement of stereoscopic volumes. Journal of Vision, 16 (11). [PDF]
Kim, M., Wilcox, L. M., & Murray, R. F. (2016) Perceived 3D shape toggles perceived glow. Current Biology, 26, 9, 350-351. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2016). Size matters: Perceived depth magnitude varies with stimulus height. Vision Research, 123, 41-45. [PDF]
Hartle B, Wilcox LM (2016). Depth magnitude from stereopsis: Assessment techniques and the role of experience. Vision Research, 125, 64-75. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Allison RS, Helliker J, Dunk B, Anthony RC (2015). Evidence that viewers prefer higher frame-rate film. Transactions on Applied Perception, 12, 4. [PDF]
Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2015). Perceptual tolerance to stereoscopic 3D image distortion. Transactions on Applied Perception, 12, 3. [PDF]
Deas LM, Wilcox LM (2015). Perceptual grouping via binocular disparity: The impact of stereoscopic good continuation. Journal of Vision, 15 (11) 1-13. [PDF]
Deas LM, Wilcox LM (2014). Gestalt grouping via closure degrades suprathreshold depth percepts. Journal of Vision, 14(9), 1-13. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2014). A computational theory of da Vinci stereopsis. Journal of Vision, 14(7). [PDF]
Lugtigheid AJ, Wilcox LM, Allison RS, Howard IP (2014). Vergence eye movements are not essential for stereoscopic depth. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, v281, no 1776. [PDF]
Stransky D, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2014). Effects of long-term exposure on sensitivity and comfort with stereoscopic displays. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, (11)1. [PDF]
Allison RS, Wilcox LM, Kazimi A (2013). Perceptual artefacts, suspension of disbelief and realism in stereoscopic 3D film. Public, Vol 47. [PDF]
Giaschi D, Lo R, Narasimhan S, Lyons C, Wilcox LM (2013). Sparing of coarse stereopsis in stereodeficient children with a history of amblyopia." Journal of Vision 13(10):17, 1-15. [PDF]
Giaschi D, Narasimhan S, Solski A, Harrison E, Wilcox LM (2013). On the Typical Development of stereopsis: Fine and Coarse Processing. Vision Research, 89, 65-71. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2012). Da vinci decoded: Does da vinci stereopsis rely on disparity? 12 (12), 1-17. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2012). Perceptual asymmetry reveals neural substrates underlying stereoscopic transparency. Vision Research, 54, 1-11. [PDF]
Allison RS, Irving EL, Babu R, Lillakas L, Gutherie S, Wilcox LM (2012). Visibility of color breakup phenomena in displays based on narrowband spectral sources. Journal of Display Technology, 8, 4, 186-193. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2012). The effect of crosstalk on depth magnitude in thin structures. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 21, DOI:10.1117/1.JEI.21.1.011003 [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox LM, Allison, RS (2011). Disparity biasing in depth from monocular occlusions, Vision Research, 51, 1699-1711. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2011). The effect of crosstalk on perceived depth from disparity and monocular occlusions,IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 99, pp. 1-9. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox, LM, Allison RS (2010). Monocular occlusions determine the perceived shape and depth of occluding surfaces, Journal of Vision 10(6):11. [PDF]
Stransky D, Wilcox LM, Dubrowsky A (2010). Mental Rotation: Cross-task training and generalization. The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 16, 4, 349-360. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2010). Perceptual artefacts in random dot stereograms, Perception, 39, 349-355. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2009). Coarse-fine dichotomies in human stereopsis. Invited paper in Special Issue of Vision Research 49, 2653–2665. [PDF]
Harris JM, Wilcox LM (2009). The role of monocularly visible regions in the perception of three-dimensional scenes.Invited paper in Special Issue of Vision Research 49, 2666-2685. [PDF]
Fukuda K, Wilcox LM, Allison RS, Howard IP (2009). A reevaluation of the tolerance to vertical misalignment in stereopsis. Journal of Vision, 9, 2, 1-8. [PDF]
Hess RF, Wilcox LM (2008). The transient nature of 2nd-order stereopsis. Vision Research, 11, 1327-1334. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Allison RS Wilcox LM (2008). Stereoscopic transparency: constraints on the perception of multiple surfaces. Journal of Vision, 8, 5,5. [PDF]
MacKenzie KJ, Murray RF, Wilcox LM (2008). The intrinsic constraint approach to cue combination: an empirical and theoretical evaluation. Journal of Vision, 8, 8, 1-10. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Harris JP, McKee SP (2007). The role of binocular stereopsis in monoptic depth perception. Vision Research, 47, 18, 2367-2377. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Lakra DC (2007). Depth from binocular half-occlusions in stereoscopic images of natural scenes. Perception, 36(6) 830 – 839. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Allison RS, Elfassy S, Grelik C (2006). Personal space in virtual reality. ACM Trans. Applied Perception, 3, (4), 412-428. [PDF]
Hess RF, Wilcox LM (2006). Stereo dynamics are not scale-dependent. Vision Research, 46, (12), 1911-1923. [PDF]
Wilcox LM Duke PA (2005). Spatial and temporal properties of stereoscopic surface interpolation, Perception, 34, (11), 1325-1338. [PDF]
Wilcox LM Duke PA (2003). Stereoscopic surface interpolation supports lightness constancy. Psychological Science, 14, (5), 525-530. [PDF]
Duke PA, Wilcox LM (2003). Adaptation to vertical disparity induced depth: implications for disparity processing. Vision Research, 43, (2), 135-147. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Elder JH, Hess RF (2000). The effects of blur and size on monocular and stereoscopic localization. Vision Research, 40, 3575-3584. [PDF]
Wilcox LM (1999) 1st and 2nd-order contributions to surface interpolation. Vision Research, 39, 2335-2347. [PDF]
Hess RF, Baker CL and Wilcox LM (1999). Comparison of 2nd-order processing in motion and stereopsis. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 16, 987-994.
Wilcox LM and Hess RF (1998) When stereopsis does not improve with increasing contrast. Vision Research, 38, 3671-3680. [PDF]
Wilcox LM and Hess RF (1997) Scale selection for 2nd-order (non-linear) stereopsis. Vision Research, 37, 2981-2992. [PDF]
Wilcox LM and Hess RF (1996) Is the site of non-linear filtering in stereopsis before or after binocular combination?. Vision Research, 36, 391-399. [PDF]
Timney BN, Wilcox LM, Symons L and O’Shea R (1996) The effects of occlusion method on the amount of interocular transfer of visual aftereffects. Vision Research., 36, 707-716. [PDF]
Wilcox LM and Hess RF (1995) Dmax for stereopsis depends on size not spatial frequency content. Vision Research, 35, 1061-1069. [PDF]
Hess RF and Wilcox LM (1994) Linear and non-linear filtering in stereopsis. Vision Research, 34, 2431-2438. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Timney BN and Girasch M (1994) On the contribution of a binocular ‘AND’ channel at contrast threshold. Perception, 23, 659-669. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Timney BN and St. John B (1990) Measurement of visual aftereffects and inferences about binocular mechanisms in human vision. Perception, 19, 43-55. [PDF]
Conference Publications
Teodora Neagu; Rebecca Hornsey; Arleen Aksay; Laurie M Wilcox (2023). Evidence of lack of integration of binocular disparity and motion parallax in object segmentation. 2023 Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Journal of Vision 23(9), 5931 [PDF]
Tasfia Ahsan; Laurie M. Wilcox; Erez Freud (2023). Perceived distance modulates attention allocation. 2023 Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Journal of Vision 23(9), 5296 [PDF]
Xue Teng; Robert Allison; Laurie Wilcox (2023). Increasing motion parallax gain compresses space and 3D object shape. 2023 Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Journal of Vision 23(9), 5015 [PDF]
Domenic Au; Robert S. Allison; Laurie M. Wilcox (2023). Conflicting ordinal depth information interferes with visually-guided reaching. 2023 Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Journal of Vision 23(9), 5154 [PDF]
Rebecca Hornsey; Laurie Wilcox; Erez Freud (2023). No evidence for a ‘close advantage’ effect in virtual reality. 2023 Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Journal of Vision 23(9), 5794 [PDF]
Takahiro Doi; Laurie Wilcox; T. Scott Murdison (2023). Stereopsis from interocular temporal delay: disentangling the effects of target versus background luminance. 2023 Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. Journal of Vision 23(9), 3538 [PDF]
X. Teng, R. S. Allison and L. M. Wilcox (2023). Manipulation of Motion Parallax Gain Distorts Perceived Distance and Object Depth in Virtual Reality. 2023 IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). 398-408 [PDF]
Domenic Au; Jonathan Tong; Robert Allison; Laurie Wilcox (2022). The impact of conflicting ordinal and metric depth information on depth matching. Journal of Vision 22(14), 3739 [PDF]
Jonathan Tong; Robert Allison; Laurie Wilcox (2022). Stereoscopic distortions when viewing geometry does not match inter-pupillary distance. Journal of Vision 22(14), 3564 [PDF]
Tasfia Ahsan; Laurie M. Wilcox; Erez Freud (2022). Object affordance modulates the near space advantage in 2D imagery. Journal of Vision. 22(14), 3538 [PDF]
Khushbu Y. Patel; Laurie M. Wilcox; Laurence T. Maloney; Krista A. Ehinger; Jaykishan Y. Patel; Emma Wiedenmann; Richard F. Murray (2022). Lightness constancy in reality, in virtual reality, and on flat-panel displays. Journal of Vision 22(14), 3976 [PDF]
Kristina Issa; Aishwarya Sudhama-Joseph; Brittney Hartle; Laurie. M Wilcox (2022). Consistent monocular cues eliminate the influence of perceptual grouping on stereopsis. Journal of Vision 22(14), 3802 [PDF]
Xue Teng; Laurie M. Wilcox; Robert S. Allison (2022). Binocular cues to depth and distance enhance tolerance to visual and kinesthetic mismatch. Journal of Vision 22(14), 3312 [PDF]
Mohona, S.S.; Au, D.; Wilcox, L.M.; Allison, R.S (2022). The effect of chromatic aberration correction on visually lossless compression. Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium 53(1), 1013-1016 [PDF]
Flagler T, Tong J, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2020). Validity testing the NeuLog Galvanic Skin Response Device. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 3964–3968. [PDF]
Mohona SS, Au D, Kio O, Robinson R, Hou Y, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2020). Subjective Assessment of steroscopic Image quality: The Impact of Visually Lossless Compression. Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 1-6 [PDF]
Au D, Mohona SS, Cutone MD, Hou Y, Goel J, Jacobson N, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2019) Stereoscopic image quality assessment. SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 50 (1), 13-16. [PDF]
Cutone M, Dalecki M, Goel J, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2018). A statistical paradigm for assessment of subjective image quality results. Society for Information Display Digest, 48:1. [PDF]
Sudhama A, Cutone M, Hou Y, Goel J, Stolitzka D, Jacobson N, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2018). Visually lossless compression of high dynamic range images: A large scale evaluation. Invited paper, Society for Information Display Digest, 48:1. [PDF]
Allison RS, Wilcox LM, Wang W, Hoffman D, Hou Y, Goel J, Deas L, Stolitzka D (2017). Large Scale Subjective Evaluation of Display Stream Compression. Invited paper, Society for Information Display Digest, 48:1, 1101-1104. [PDF]
Brunnstrom K, Allison RS, Chandler DM, Collett H, Corriveau P, Daly S, Goel J, Knopf J, Wilcox LM, Yaacob Y, Yang S-N, Zhang Y. (2017). Industry and business perspectives on the distinctions between visually lossless and lossy video quality: Mobile and large format displays. Invited paper, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, Burlingame, CA. [PDF]
Deas LM, Allison RS, Hartle B, Irving EL, Glaholt M, Wilcox LM (2017). Estimation of altitude in stereoscopic-3D versus 2D real-world scenes. Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVIII, Burlingame, CA. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Allison RS, Helliker J, Dunk B, Anthony RC (2015). Evidence that viewers prefer higher frame rate film. Society on Applied Perception Meeting, Tubingen, Germany. [PDF]
Marianovski M, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2015). Evaluation of the impact of high frame rates on legibility in S3D film. Society on Applied Perception Meeting, Tubingen, Germany. [PDF]
Hartle B, Lugtigheid A, Kazimi A, Allison RS Wilcox LM (2015). Preference for motion and depth in 3D film. Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI Conference, San Francisco. [PDF]
Deas L, Wilcox LM, Kazimi A, Allison RS (2013). Audio-visual integration in stereoscopic 3-D. IEEE Society for Applied Perception, Dublin, Ireland. [PDF]
Benzeroual K, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2012). 3D display size matters: Compensating for the perceptual effects of S3D display size scaling. CVPR Workshop, Providence. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2012). Crosstalk reduces the amount of depth seen in 3D images of natural scenes. Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII Conference, San Francisco. [PDF]
Laldin S, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2012). Motion in depth constancy in stereoscopic displays. Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII Conference, San Francisco. [PDF]
Benzeroual K, Allison RS Wilcox LM (2011). Distortions of space in stereoscopic 3D content. SMPTE International Conference on Stereoscopic 3D, New York. [PDF]
Benzeroual K, Wilcox LM, Kazimi A, Allison RS (2011). On the distinction between perceived and predicted depth in S3D films. IC3D conference, Liege, Belgium. [PDF]
Tsirlin I, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2011). The effect of crosstalk on depth magnitude in thin structures. Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII Conference, San Francisco. [PDF]
Benzeroual K, Allison RS, Wilcox LM (2011). Distortions of space in stereoscopic 3D content. Oral presentation at the Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineering conference, New York.
Wilcox LM, Tsirlin I, Allison RS (2010). Sensitivity to monocular occlusions in stereoscopic imagery: Implications for S3D content creation, distribution and exhibition. Oral presentation at the Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineering conference, New York.
Allison RS, Wilcox LM, Elder JH (2010). Depth of Field in Stereoscopic Moving Images, Oral presentation at the Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineering conference, Toronto.
Guterman PS, Fukuda K, Wilcox LM, Allison RS (2010). Is Brighter Always Better? The Effects of Display and Ambient Luminance on Preferences for Digital Signage. Presented at The Society for Information Display, Seattle. [PDF]
Wilcox LM, Stewart JAD (2003). Determinants of perceived image quality: ghosting vs. brightness, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVI, published in the Proceedings of SPIE vol. 4661. 7 [PDF]
Speranza F, Wilcox LM (2001). Viewing stereoscopic images comfortably: the effects of whole-field vertical disparity. Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIII Published in the Proceedings of SPIE vol. 4660. [PDF]
Invited Commentary
Wilcox LM (2011) Summary of Depth rendition of three-dimensional display by Westheimer G., Journal of the Optical Society: Spotlight on Optics, 28, 6,
Technical Reports
Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC-RDDC-2016-C9999) November 2017. The effect of training on the use of binocular depth cues in low hover depth estimation.
Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC-RDDC-2016-C352) October 2016. Investigating the role of binocular depth cues in altitude judgements with real and simulated imagery.
IMAX© R&D Report (RD521-00) March 2001. Contrast discrimination in 3D film.
IMAX© R&D Report (RD521-99) September 2000. Sensitivity to vertical misalignment of 3D projectors and/or cameras.
IMAX© R&D Report (RD521-98) December 1999. The effect of ghosting and image brightness on image quality.