Wilcox L.M., Allison R.S., Helliker J., Dunk B., & Anthony R.C. (2015). "Evidence that viewers prefer higher frame rate film". Society on Applied Perception Meeting, Tubingen, Germany.
Marianovski M., Wilcox L.M., & Allison R.S. (2015). "Evaluation of the impact of high frame rates on legibility in S3D film". Society on Applied Perception Meeting, Tubingen, Germany.
Hartle B., Lugtigheid A., Kazimi A., Allison R.S. & Wilcox L,M. (2015) "Preference for motion and depth in 3D film". Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI Conference, San Francisco.
Deas L., Wilcox L.M., Kazimi A., & Allison R.S. (2013). "Audio-visual integration in stereoscopic 3-D". IEEE Society for Applied Perception, Dublin, Ireland.
Benzeroual K., Allison R.S. & Wilcox L.M. (2012). "3D display size matters: Compensating for the perceptual effects of S3D display size scaling". CVPR Workshop, Providence.
Tsirlin I., Allison R.S., & Wilcox L.M. (2012). "Crosstalk reduces the amount of depth seen in 3D images of natural scenes". Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII Conference, San Francisco.
Laldin S., Wilcox L.M., & Allison R.S. (2012). "Motion in depth constancy in stereoscopic displays". Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII Conference, San Francisco.
Benzeroual K., Allison R.S. & Wilcox L.M. (2011). "Distortions of space in stereoscopic 3D content". SMPTE International Conference on Stereoscopic 3D, New York.
Benzeroual K., Wilcox L.M., Kazimi A, and Allison R.S. (2011). "On the distinction between perceived and predicted depth in S3D films". IC3D conference, Liege, Belgium.
Tsirlin, I., Wilcox, L. M., & Allison, R. S. (2011). “The effect of crosstalk on depth magnitude in thin structures”.Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII Conference, San Francisco.